1. What does SOS stand for?

Save our souls

Standard distress signal; represented in morse code by short short short, long long long, short short short; often used as a noun, i.e. "I sent out an SOS."


If my base keeps getting attacked again, I am going to have to send out an SOS for some help

Related Slang


Updated January 30, 2013
2. What does SOS stand for?

Someone over shoulder

SOS is a texting and chatting acronym that means "someone over shoulder." Senders use it to warn message recipients to be careful what they type since another person on their end is watching.

Teenagers are most likely to use the SOS acronym as a code to warn their friends that they are under surveillance (likely by their parents). It is a more general version of the POS acronym people use to warn that a parent is watching the conversation specifically.

People other than teenagers may use SOS when messaging. For example, if two friends are discussing gift ideas for someone reading their conversation, the person may send "SOS. TTYL!"


SOS, just so you know
SOS means
SOS means Someone over shoulder

Related Slang


Updated July 19, 2023
3. What does SOS stand for?

Same old stuff

SOS is an acronym that stands for "same old stuff," which is another way to say that nothing new is going on in your life. It is a common reply to "What's happenin'?" when character space is tight, like when texting or online.

The acronym is typically used by people who lead boring lives, so if you are using it a lot, get out and go do something. Also, as an FYI, there are various definitions for the "SOS" acronym, so it may be confusing to the recipient.


Anything new these days?
No, pretty much the sos
SOS means
SOS means Same old stuff

Related Slang


Updated April 24, 2019
4. What does SOS stand for?

Someone special

On rare occasions, SOS might stand for "someone special." When used this way, the acronym refers to someone who is near and dear to a person's heart.

However, SOS is much more likely to mean "someone over shoulder," "save our souls," or "same old s***" than "someone special." Hopefully, context will help you decide whether the person you're chatting with is in distress or telling you about their SO.


She is sos 2 me, so I hope she is happy

Homer already has SOS in his life

Related Slang


Updated December 31, 2020

SOS definition by

This page explains what the acronym "SOS" means. The various definitions, examples, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team.

We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. If you would like to suggest a term or an update to an existing one, please let us know!